Baby Smalley #2 Growing Fast!!  BabyFetus Ticker

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Nursery Pals

This is a picture a friend from church sent me of Sawyer and his little pal, Jack in nursery. They're two little peas in a pod, although it kinda looks like Sawyer might be thinking about punching Jack's lights out in this pic! Had to share...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wagon-ing Around

Yesterday we had a glimpse of really nice weather in the midst of a terrible weather week, so Saws and I jumped on the opportunity to spend as much of it as we could outside! Sawyer loves riding around the lake in his little wagon and looking out in the water at the ducks and geese. Thankful for surprise "spring-like" days that pop up every now and then in the middle of winter!