Waiting in the Houston Airport to leave for Cozumel, MX.

A view of Cozumel from the air!

Here we are at the resort (Melia Cozumel)

A view of the pool area

Dressed up for a nice dinner together

Josh showing off his coconut that he found on the beach and cracked open!

Here we are at Xcaret, relaxing on a giant hammock

Conquering the Mayan ruins in Xcaret

During the river cruise at Xcaret

Biking in to downtown Cozumel

Josh posing at Senior Frogs

One of the monuments outside of downtown Cozumel

This is the scooter that we rented one day to drive around the island of Cozumel

Action shot of Josh and I driving down the road on the scooter

This is one of the stops that we made on our trip around the island. The water was crystal clear and the waves were HUGE!

Here we are dressed up for a nice dinner on our last night in Cozumel.

Our last dinner in Cozumel.
These are all pictures of our honeymoon in Cozumel, Mexico. We had a great time just relaxing, snorkeling, exploring around the island, and just hanging out on the beach! We really didn't want to leave when the week was over, and we're already planning on a trip back soon! The water was so blue and beautiful over there, neither Josh nor I had ever seen anything like it before! Definitely a wonderful trip!