We took a half-way break to let Duke go for a swim. Had to get that family portrait in there too!
Canoeing wore our little man OUT!! This is he position he took about 15 minutes after we got home from our trip. And this is the position he stayed in until about 6:00 the next morning.
This blog is WAY past due (my apologies) but I thought the pictures were still "post worthy". This trip was either going to make it or break it for Josh and I and whether or not we would be bringing our pup on any more water trips. Turns out Duke is an excellent canoe dog! He made the trip just that much more enjoyable watching him lean over the side of the boat for a drink of river water, and his curiosity about every little detail was just funny to watch. Of course it made mine and Josh's day to know that our dog enjoyed this activities as much as we do! Needless to say, there will be many a canoeing trips to come in our future.
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