My Apologies for not posting a blog in nearly a month. Things have been a little hectic lately and to be honest, there hasn't been very much to post about our little lives other than just normal 'ole life itself. However, Josh and I did go on a little weekend trip to the great Mentone this past weekend to visit with the Smalley's for a few days. Our "visits" to Josh's hometown are hardly ever a relaxing time spent with the family. Nope, they are almost always spent working on at LEAST one project if not more. For this recent trip we had three.
First and foremost is Josh's little project. We'll call it project number one: Building a rack to plug into the hitch receiver on the Jeep so that we can carry even MORE junk with us when we go places (now don't get me wrong, this thing is pretty nifty). This little project of Josh's took nearly 2 solid days of cutting and welding metal to complete (one that he estimated to take around 3 hours or so. You know, the usual).
Project numero dose: Breaking the horses. This one required the use of my little horse professional sister, Emmaline. She came down Friday night and spent all day Saturday working with the 8 horses that Larry has recently acquired. She rode a few, saddled a few and helped Larry decide which one's were keepers and which were no-go's. She did a superb job with the horses and really impressed me with her horse training knowledge/capabilities. Turns out the few horses that are broken and only "green broken". But Emmaline seems to think that they could turn out to be really good horses with a little work.
Project # 3: Building the floor to the playhouse. Now this project is really the main reason we even went to Mentone in the first place, but of course it got pushed back to the last thing we got around to (sorry about that Larry). Larry has been working on this great playhouse out in the middle of one of the pastures and I think it is going to turn out to be really great! When they finally did get around to putting the floor down on it, it turned out to be the fastest and easiest thing we had done all weekend.
Although we stayed extremely busy (as always), we had a great time on our little weekend getaway. We got a lot accomplished and got to visit with the fam a little bit too. Thanks again to Emmaline for coming up to help with the horses, I hope you're planning on making another trip up soon! And Thanks to Larry and Gail for sharing your home, farm, shop and time with us :-)
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