Baby Smalley #2 Growing Fast!!  BabyFetus Ticker

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sawyer's First Haircut...sniff sniff

The first 3 pictures are before photo's...

And these are the after pictures...

Sawyer's hair was getting extremely long and growing over his eyes and ears, so Josh and I decided it was passed time for a trim.  It made me sad to even think about cutting my baby's hair but I knew it was time.  Sawyer was not very participatory in this haircutting extravaganza.  He screamed the entire time while Josh held him down and I cut away at his hair.  It was very hard to cut that baby hair and make our little 4 month old look like a little boy instead of a baby :-(  I had to post this blog for my own memory's sake. This is definitely a milestone in our baby boys life!  First haircut: 9-4-2012

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