Baby Smalley #2 Growing Fast!!  BabyFetus Ticker

Monday, May 6, 2013

Baby's Turning 1!!

I just can not believe that a year has passed since our first child was born!  People really aren't joking when they say that life goes by SO much faster when you have children!  This year with Sawyer has been amazing.  He has brought so many wonderful emotions to our home, I really don't even know where to begin.  He is a blessing, that I know for certain.
     Sawyer is now crawling like a little charger (no joke, I think he could beat me in a race)!  He is also jabbering up a storm, with a few "real" words thrown in there (Dada, mama, uh-oh, NO!, and his own cute little version of "Duke").  He is also so so so close to walking, but just won't let himself take a step! I think he is just too content with crawling:)
     On May the 8th (his actual first birthday) he is going to have tubes put in his ears, as well as have his adenoids taken out.  What a birthday present, huh?  He has had chronic ear infections for the past 3 or 4 months and just hasn't been able the shake them.  The Doctor said that this was his only option for healing, so although we are sad for him, Josh and I are also so ready for our little guy to be feeling better.

     Within the first year of Sawyer's little life, our family's life has changed so much!  In mid-March, Josh  accepted a job with Alabama Power.  He has been working very hard towards this position for a few years now, and we are so thankful that the Lord found him fit to fill it!  Along with the new job comes relocation.  We have our house on the market for sale, and just as soon as it sells we will be packing up and moving back to Auburn (our ole' Alma mater)!  Josh is commuting right now, and the long hours away from home are becoming quite a drain on all of us, so we are praying the house sells quickly!  Also, on the very same day that Josh accepted his new job, we found out that we are expecting our second child!!  Boy what an exciting and frightening day that was! We were both a little shocked from the news, but very very excited about the new addition at the same time!  Baby should arrive the end of October!

So, A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our main man, Sawyer!!  We love love love that little boy, and are so very thankful that we were blessed to be his parents!  Can't wait to see what our next year holds!!

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