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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sawyer's Arrival

 Josh and I right before Sawyer's birth.

 Here he is!! After 11 hours of labor he arrived and 8:53 am on Tuesday, May the 8th. 7lbs 6 oz.
 Lauren, our nurse gave Sawyer a nice hairstyle for his visitors.  Can you believe all of that hair?!?
 So in love with this little man!
 A sweet couple from church came to visit.
 Adam and Bentley w/ their first nephew!
 My dad and Sawyer.  The only picture I have of just my dad with Sawyer, and I'm so thankful Josh snapped this one off at the hospital. Dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer just a few weeks after Sawyer's birth, and passed away on the 19th of June.  I'm just so thankful that the Lord timed Sawyer's birth when he did so that dad could meet his first grandson.  Sawyer loved every minute he got to spend with my dad.
 Some more sweet visitors from our small group
 Clara drove all the way up from Montgomery to visit right before we went home from the hospital. She's a sweetie, and always a fun visitor!
Getting ready for our first drive in the car!

I'm so sorry it has taken me almost 7 weeks to write about the birth of our little boy Sawyer Lane.  Life has been very hectic ever since this sweet boy was born, so this is really the first time I've had a chance to sit down and blog.
Sawyer was born on May 8th at 8:53am.  My water broke the night before at about 10:15 or so, and right away my contractions were at 2 minutes apart, with about 30 seconds of rest time in between. I had intended on going in to this labor with the vision of an all-natural birth.  You know; no patocin, no epidural, just me and those ever so wonderful contractions.  Well, after about 6 hours of intense contractions and not being able to move from a laying down position and no progression, I opted out for the epidural.  Once the epidural was in effect, it seemed like no time and the little guy was here!  He is absolutely perfect, even more wonderful than we ever imagined he could be!  Josh and I are so in love with this boy, and our love for him grows more every single day.

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