Baby Smalley #2 Growing Fast!!  BabyFetus Ticker

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Our "Little Man"

 The boy of a millions facial expressions; that's what my dad always called Sawyer, and he was definitely right! He cracks me up on a daily basis with his faces.
 Such a sweet boy!
 Sawyer loves his daddy! So thankful to have Josh home 3 days a week!  Sawyer gets a little extra time to bond with his dad, and I get a little extra time too:-)
 Bath time has become quite a fun event in this little mans life! He's really starting to enjoy it, and I LOVE how his hair curls up when it gets wet!  I hope that one day it stays this way permanently:-)
 Sweet Sweet face!
 We had a fun little visit last week with Josh's brother's little girl, Corrine.  She had Sawyer cracking up during their photo shoot.
Sweet cousins!

I thought it was time to post some more up-to-date pictures of Sawyer on here.  He is growing and changing so much every day it's hard to keep up with him, but he is quite the handsome little man!  "Little Man" has become my "pet name" for him because isn't that exactly what he looks like? A little man?  With all of that hair, it's hard to believe he is only 2 months old! I was hoping to wait until after his first birthday before we cut his hair, but I'm afraid there's no way we'll make it that long!  It is now a good 2 inches over his ears and growing longer every day!

Some of the ways Sawyer has developed in his first two months of life: He is smiling and cooing A LOT these days, especially in the mornings! He's so much more alert, and loves to watch and study his surroundings (I can already tell he is a very smart boy, and hoping he's got his daddy's brains:-)).

 He is really starting to get the "babywise" schedule I've been working on with him down pat.  I think this schedule has helped contribute to him being a happier baby, and oh yeah, sleeping better at night!  He's up to a steady 5 to 6 hour sleep stretch at night, sometimes even longer than that!  I've dropped one of his nightly feedings, so he is down to only one feeding during the night, unless of course he chooses to sleep on through it in which case I definitely let him!

This little man is such a sweet joy in our lives, and a perfect addition to our family!  I cannot imagine our lives without him now that he's here, and am so incredibly thankful that the Lord has allowed Josh and I to be a part of his life.  We're learning and enjoying how to be parents every single day.  We make plenty of mistakes, but that's all part of the process!

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