Baby Smalley #2 Growing Fast!!  BabyFetus Ticker

Friday, October 15, 2010

Vacation Please?

It's FINALY that time of year again. Fall is in the air, the leaves are turning their vibrant colors, football has kicked off another season, aaannnd Josh is back to working 60's for the rest of the year. Poor guy. Josh loves this cooler weather more than anybody I know, and as soon as it starts to feeling good outside his boss puts him to work like no other. We have been getting onto ourselves for having never made it down to Auburn for a football game since we graduated, but now that the season is in full swing again we remember that it is because Josh is always working. He's doing good to be able to get home in time to watch the games on TV. I believe this hard working man deserves a vacation when he can get a break. We're wanting to go somewhere within driving distance, but somewhere maybe in the mountains in a cabin with beautiful landscape. Anyone have any ideas on such a place? I'm trying to do some research so that we can book a place fairly soon. I would love to hear any comments you may have!

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