I know how crazy it must seem that I'm actually taking my time to sit here and blog about a silly desk, but I'm just so excited about this deal that Josh and I got the other day that I had to write about it!
The other night Josh and I had decided to go browse around this furniture outlet store that is just down the road from our house. We were actually there to look at couches (we're getting ourselves a new couch for Christmas) but we ran upon this desk and I fell in love with it. (We have not had a desk since we've been married and have always been keeping our eyes open for one just in case we ran into a deal, but haven't had any luck thus far). This piece of furniture is SOLID wood and heavy as lead to try to move. Everything about it feels very well made, and the price tag on it just seemed unreal to me for it's quality build.
Of course knowing me I didn't want to pass up such a great deal, but Josh talked me into going home and thinking about it over night. Once we got home I imediately looked this desk up online to see what it goes for at other places. Much to our suprise I found the exact desk online for $1,800!! When I showed the site to Josh he said "we're going back in tomorrow to purchase that desk!".
The next day with money in hand I was on a mission, hoping and praying that it had not been sold yet. It was still there in all of it's glory with the same price tag on it. So I grabbed a salesman and told him that I wanted to buy it. He went to go verify that it was in stock and when he came back he said "I hate to tell you this but that price on there is not correct. That is suppose to be just the price for the hutch, not the desk and hutch together". My heart dropped, but when I went to look at the price tag it clearly said "price for desk AND hutch". I showed the salesman what it said, and after reading it he said "you're right, that's what it says. We'll have to honor it and sell it to you for that price". So you better believe I made it up to the register to pay for it before he could change his mind! I ended up buying this desk at 70% off of what it should have cost. I think even my sister, Bentley would be proud of me for this one!!
Love it so much. I'm so excited for you guys.
Wow, sounds like a great deal! Where did you go to look it up online? I love the color and it looks very functional as well.
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